Good Paleo Life

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Revamp Your Weekend: Must-Try Wellness Activities That Aren't Binge-Watching Netflix

When you work for yourself, it can be easy to keep working every day, whether weekday or weekend. After a while this becomes unsustainable and burnout says hi. 

Over the years I’ve made an effort to have my weekends be weekends and to actually spend some time relaxing, resting and rejuvenating for the week ahead.

What I realised though, is that it can be easy to camp out in front of the TV all weekend long, especially if you’ve found a new favorite binge-worthy Netflix show. However, that’s not what’s truly rejuvenating or healthy, or what I want to spend my weekend doing (well, in those moments immersed in the show it is - but that’s the same as really wanting ice cream and not really wanting it at the same time ;) Not when you consider your long-term goals…).

I’ve found a variety of wellness activities that work for me, that don’t leave me bored or feeling like I “have to” do them to look after my wellbeing. They’re things I actually enjoy and that feel good and exciting. I hope you’ll find some new ideas here that you can incorporate into your own life.

1. Take an “everything shower”

An “everything shower” for me means spending a good two hours grooming myself. I.e. dry brush, take off old nail polish, take off makeup, brush teeth and floss, shower, exfoliate body and face, wash hair, condition hair, shave everywhere, moisturise body, treat any spots with special cream, face mask, eye cream, face serum, moisturise face and lips, shape and paint nails. Did I forget anything? Probably. If I have some social gathering to go to, I might also roll my hair up in a heatless curler, but usually I just let it air dry.

Figure out what your “everything shower” looks like and pamper yourself. Have a spa morning, afternoon or evening.

2. Change your sheets (and do your laundry)

Imagine you’ve just taken your everything shower and feel all fresh and clean. Now imagine hopping into a freshly made bed with clean sheets. That’s the best feeling ever! I truly live for those small things in life. In German I call them “Glücksmomente”. 🍀

3. Get a full body massage…

… or swap massages with your partner. Need I say anything else?

4. Go to the gym and get an early morning workout in

I like to lift some heavy weights on a Saturday morning, it makes me feel extra productive, strong and badass for the day. Saturdays are my favorite day because they don’t feel quite like the lazy days that Sundays feel like, they still have a bit of a “work around the house and the neighbours are mowing their lawn and painting the shed” vibe to them. For whatever reason I love that feeling of not doing any day-to-day work, but still feeling productive while relaxed at the same time.

With that in mind, heading to the gym for a weightlifting session (or a yoga class if my energy levels are low) is the perfect start to a Saturday.

5. Prep your meals for the week

Since I just said that Saturdays still feel like getting some housework done, you could also prep some meals for the upcoming week (and do your shopping). I honestly am more of a “make food in the moment” girl, but sometimes it can be really helpful to have a few meals ready or at least a fridge full of healthy food. That always feels good.

6. Head to the mall

You don’t necessarily need to do any shopping or buy anything, but I like to have a wander around the shops, and either daydream about buying all those clothes, shoes, glasses, nail polish, skincare products, … or actually treat myself to something (small) like a new nail polish.

7. Get a mani and/or pedicure

Talking about nail polish - grab your girlfriend and head to the salon to get your nails done. No matter how many different nail polishes I have at home, I still love to get my nails done professionally. Also, it just lasts longer. And sitting in a massage chair while my nails are being done is extra rejuvenating. ;)

8. Go out for breakfast with your partner

We don’t do this every weekend, but when we do it’s a really nice and special way to start the day (preferably Sunday). Eating breakfast out doesn’t even have to be a big, major brunch-breakfast. A little snack from the cabinet (like a scone, quiche, banana bread, etc.) and a coffee (decaf for me) will do. It’s a really nice little treat and a beautiful way to start the day. 

We will walk down to the cafes, so the morning walk is definitely also part of it!

9. Go for a long walk

I hope to always live somewhere that has some beautiful areas that are nice to walk in (i.e. nature). Here in New Zealand I can walk down to the beach and up or around the local mountain (which is actually an extinct volcano - although Wikipedia says it’s dormant…?! 🤔). If I’m in Germany I’ll walk through the woods and the fields, and in Melbourne I used to go down to the river with my neighbour every week.

My point is: find somewhere you like and that inspires you, and go for a longer walk than what you’d go on during the week.

10. Read, journal, cup of tea

This one’s a bit “old school” and probably one of the most commonly recommended wellness activities out there. But it’s for good reason. Most of us likely don’t make the time to read for a while, and/or journal, and actually make a ritual out of it, which could include your favorite cup of tea (or hot chocolate or coffee).

11. Do a puzzle

I love puzzles. They can be a bit addictive. You know, when you really need to pee, but you just want to find that next piece, just one more piece, you almost got it, just one more, you’re so close… and then you’re about to burst by the time you actually make it to the bathroom. That’s what puzzles can be like ;) But that means they’re also intrinsically meditative and keep you present.

There are a million more wellness activities to do on a weekend (or any day of the week) - I’d love to hear your favorites and how you like to spend your weekends!

See this gallery in the original post