Easy Probiotic Water Kefir Recipe
Water kefir is a healthy fermented drink that tastes a bit like fruity sparkling water or a less-sweet version of lemonade. It's similar to kombucha, but without the caffeine. Because it can contain up to 40 different healthy bacteria strains it supports a healthy and diverse microbiome, clear skin, and overall health. Here is a simple and easy recipe for making water kefir.
The *ULTIMATE* Guide to Quitting Sugar (For Good)
I’ve compiled ALL of my strategies and tips on giving up sugar for you, so that hopefully this journey becomes a little easier, more manageable and even a bit exciting as you see yourself breaking away from sugar and preparing to ditch it for good.
Complete Guide to the AIP and Low Oxalate Diet
A complete resource for anyone who’s on the AIP diet AND the low oxalate diet. The AIP diet is already quite restrictive as it is, so layering the low oxalate diet on top of it can be challenging, intimidating and overwhelming. This guide has everything you need to know to get started.
My Exact Supplement Strategy That Got Rid of SIBO-C / IMO in Two Months
I’ve talked about my journey with mold toxicity and gut issues before. Today I’m hoping it will be valuable to dive into my exact supplement protocol that helped me completely eliminate SIBO-C (or now called IMO, which stands for Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth) within two months.
7 Unconventional Stress Relief Strategies You Haven’t Heard Of Yet
Stress is less tangible than something like diet or exercise, and managing it effectively is just as challenging as changing your diet, going to bed earlier, or exercising regularly. Seeing the same old ideas everywhere over the internet isn’t helping either. Let’s discover some new strategies for managing stress that are closely aligned with Paleo principles.
The Paleo Approach to Reducing Inflammation Naturally
Inflammation has become such a buzzword in the health and wellness niche. Inflammation is tied to everything from acute injuries to chronic health conditions. Using a Paleo lifestyle has the potential to prevent, reverse or reduce chronic inflammation and disease, so let’s discover specific strategies to support healing.
Effortlessly Stick to Your Diet: 14 Tried-and-True Techniques for Mastering Dietary Restrictions (Stress-Free)
Being on a restricted diet can be challenging, no matter whether you’ve done it 10 times before or this is your first time. It also doesn’t matter what kind of restriction it is - change is always hard, no matter how small or big. After being on many restricted diets over the years, I’ve come to understand a few things that make it easier.
Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights: 7 Game-Changing Tips You Need to Try
Sleep is non-negotiable. Yet, it can be so hard to actually get a deep, restorative sleep every night, even if we know how important it is for our overall health and wellbeing. Here are some tips that have worked for me and many of my coaching clients. Find what resonates and works for you.
Beginner's Guide to a Low Oxalate and Paleo Diet
Since starting a Low Oxalate Paleo style diet, I've come to understand the complexities of oxalates and their impact on our health in a way that I hope resonates with anyone in a similar situation or just starting to learn about oxalates.
Dealing with Mold Toxicity: Symptoms and Initial Steps
If you're feeling off with lots of seemingly unrelated symptoms and can't quite pinpoint why, mold toxicity might be worth considering. This was the case for me - here I’ll share my experience with mold toxicity so far, and what I have done to help with symptoms and ultimately (hopefully) eliminate mold and other mycotoxins in my body.
Simple and Nutritious Paleo Breakfast Ideas for Busy Mornings
A curation of simple Paleo breakfast ideas that don't require a lot of cooking or time, and that don’t really need a recipe. Easy ideas from one “normal” (i.e. not a food blogger) person to another.